Mind and Destiny
Whatever controls your mind controls your life
[Robb Thompson]
Consequence in life are the reward we receive when we refuces to sit at the feet of the instructor.
[Robb Thompson]
The transformation of one's life is in direct proportion to the alteration of one's mind
[Robb Thompson]
A person of Character chooses to live life in the principle of seedtime and harvest.
[Robb Thompson]
It is impossible for your life to produce anything beyond the strength of your moral fiber
[Robb Thompson]
A woman is permitted to chat or babble, but speaking in public with authority is still the greatest trangression.
[Elfriede Jelinek - Winner of Nobel Prize Literature]
Travel guides us toward a better balance of wisdom and compassion- of seeing clearly, and yet feeling it truly. For seeing without feeling can obviously be uncaring; while feeling without seeing can be blind.
[Pico Tyer]